Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky said today (2), in a video posted on his Telegram channel, that the world is closing itself off to Russia. “The modern world will close in on them. Russian goods are leaving store shelves around the world. Russian banks are disconnecting from the global system. Russian citizens are losing their savings, losing prospects. Russian mothers are losing their children in a foreign country. Think about that number: almost 6,000 Russians died. Not to mention the losses last night. What’s that for?”, asked the president.
Zelensky also said that the Russians want to erase the country’s history. “They don’t know anything about our capital, about our history. But they all have orders to erase our country, erase all of us. On the first day of the war, Uman was brutally bombed, where tens of thousands of Jews come every year to pray. Then Babyn Yar, where tens of thousands of Jews were executed. I address all the Jews in the world: do you not see what is happening? This is why it is so important that millions of Jews around the world do not stand in silence now. Nazism is born of silence. So shout about the murder of citizens. Shout about the murder of Ukrainians,” he said.
The Ukrainian president also said that the Russians continue to bomb the country’s cities, hitting civilians, a population that is peaceful. And he said Ukraine has managed to rally international support on a new level, underscoring the support of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and thousands of Europeans.
Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko said the Russians are targeting Ukraine’s capital. “We see how many Russian forces go from Belarus, from the north and east, many kilometers of tanks moving towards the capital of Ukraine. At this moment we are prepared to defend our city.”