A register that contains information on more than 35 million Brazilians for the government to access to develop and monitor public policies. This is the National Register of Social Information (Cnis), managed by the Social Security Information and Technology Company (Dataprev). The company’s president, Gustavo Canuto, is the interviewee of the Brazil on the agenda this Sunday (15th) and will talk a little about Cnis and Dataprev’s work.
“Imagine the life of an entire person, since they were born, all the jobs they had, how many children they have, how much they received, married, divorced, died… the entire life history of the population”, this is Cnis, in the definition of Canute. According to him, as it contains all this information, the register is an important tool for defining and monitoring public policies.
The company is the technological arm of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS). “Our business is to develop systems allowing the INSS to work, for the agencies to work”, he says. In addition, Dataprev also takes care of the Digital Work Card, the Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico) and the National Employment System (Sine).
According to Canuto, the idea is to provide a digital solution for the exercise of citizenship and allow easier access to the citizen as well as allowing processes that were previously done manually to be done automatically, “reducing the time of the request, from that requisition, of that benefit request that the citizen presented so that he can, in fact, have that right guaranteed and fulfilled”.
The president of Dataprev will also talk about how the improvement in management has allowed the company to earn a profit of more than R$355 million last year, and with that, it was able to return 75% of the amounts invested to the National Treasury. “This economic result shows that it is possible even with the conditions, even without a significant increase in the workforce, with elements of efficiency, optimization, seeking to produce more”, he celebrates.
THE Brazil on the agenda airs at 7:30pm on TV Brazil.