The National Assembly (AN) unanimously approved the so-called “Agreement to reject the provocation of the United States against the people and Government of China”, after the visit of the president of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, to the Taiwan region of China.
«USA The US is playing with fire, and deliberately promoting a global war, “said the deputy, Rodolfo Sanz, who presented the draft Agreement.
For Sanz, “nothing justifies the US, in the midst of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, deploying the visit of a high-ranking official in Taiwan with the geopolitical, geostrategic and military consequences that it may trigger.”
Likewise, he considered that China has done the same in the face of the American provocation and assured that it has the legitimate right to do so, according to the China news agency, Xinhua.
The deputy described the US action as “a dangerous adventure” and trusted the response of the Asian nation.
“China has full rights in its self-determination. China has the full right to exercise sovereignty over its southern sea, over the Taiwan Strait,” she emphasized.
The parliamentarian assured that as defenders of peace, they agree with China’s peaceful recovery policy.
The draft Agreement, made up of five points, supports the Chinese people and Government in defending sovereignty.
Second, it rejects the actions of the US, and especially Pelosi’s visit, for constituting “a threat” to peace and bilateral relations.
In addition, it urges to denounce the interventionist policy of the US Government and orders a copy of the document to be delivered to the Chinese Embassy in Venezuela.
Finally, it instructs to publish the agreement in the Official Gazette of Venezuela.