The Brazilian Institute of Museums (Ibram) made available the schedule for the 20th National Museum Week. The event takes place between May 16 and 22, 2022. Among the activities planned are concerts, theater, seminars, cinema, mediated visits, book launches, workshops, among others.
The theme for this year is The Power of Museums. “The Power of Museums is present in their research, preservation, conservation, education, communication, cultural action, management, technological innovation, fulfillment of their social functions and creation of repertoires for the future. Museums are builders of the future and that is why they are powerful”, informed Ibram in a statement.
For this year’s program, there are 877 participating museums and 2,587 registered events. In all, 379 cities from 26 states are registered. The programming guide, separated by municipality, can be accessed here.
National Museum Week
The National Museum Week is one of the actions of Ibram’s National Museum Policy, built and proposed in an articulated way with the Brazilian museum sector and whose purpose is to mobilize museums throughout the country from an effort to converge their programs around the same theme.
For 45 years, the choice of theme has been proposed annually by the International Council of Museums (Icom), for International Museum Day, celebrated on May 18. On this date, they invite museums, professionals and museum communities to create, imagine and share actions aimed at dialogue with their audiences and territories, strengthening the recognition and visibility of museums.