The National Board of Justice concluded the interviews the 12 candidates for Supreme Prosecutors, with which he will proceed to appoint two new incumbent Supreme Prosecutors, one of which is projected as the new prosecutor of the Nation.
The appointments made by the Board will allow the Board of Supreme Prosecutors, which currently only the prosecutors Pablo Sánchez and Zoraida Ávalos are part of it, after four were dismissed by the CNM-Audios, can meet.
With the two new incumbent Supreme Prosecutors, the Board will meet again and will be able to elect a new prosecutor of the nation. The Board had been left without a quorum and could not choose, at the end of the three-year mandate of Dr. Zoraida Ávalos.
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The position of Public Prosecutor of the Nation was temporarily in the hands of Pablo Sánchez, in his capacity as the oldest supreme prosecutor of the Public Ministry. The Board of Supreme Prosecutors required a minimum of three magistrates to be able to meet and reach agreements.
It is expected that Next June, the National Board of Justice will name two other chief prosecutors. So it is also possible that in this same contest it covers all the vacancies.
Between Monday and Tuesday, the counselors interviewed the 12 candidates about their activities in the Public Ministry, their professional expectations, properties and about their ideas of reaching the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office and, therefore, having the possibility of becoming a prosecutor of the Nation.
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ANDOn Monday the candidates Gladys Begazo Álvarez, Patricia Benavides Vargas, Yenny Delgado Aybar, Carmen Delgado Ccana, Delia Espinoza Valenzuela and Miriam Herrera Velarde.
Yesterday, Tuesday, it was up to Carmen Huayre Proaño, Francisco Pariona Aliaga, Gianina Tapia Vivas, Helder Terán Dianderas, Franklin Tomy López and Juan Villena Campana.
After the interview, the National Board will announce the final table of merits of the knowledge tests, of curriculum, of solution of a case and of the interview.
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Based on the merit chart, the seven directors will vote for each one of the candidates, starting with the one with the highest score, until filling the two vacancies. Five votes are needed for a candidate to be elected. If a candidate fails to be appointed, they go on to the next one in the merit list.
Directors They must support the reasons why that candidate with a high score does not receive the trust to be named. The final decision could be known at midnight or at the beginning of Wednesday.
A prosecutor of the Nation for the Castillo case
The National Board of Justice asked all the candidates what would they do to reach the Office of the Attorney General to improve the image and relations of the Public Ministry with society and politicians.
Most of the candidates were self-critical, willing to fight corruption and work with the few resources that the Public Ministry receives.
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Although it was not part of the questions, whoever is appointed, upon becoming the Nation’s prosecutor, will have to direct the investigation to the president peter castle, which was initiated by the prosecutor Pablo Sánchez. An investigation into a sitting president that had never happened before.
Adviser. During the interviews, councilor Antonio de la Haza Barrantes explained that the National Board of Justice seeks not only a good prosecutor, but also a manager that can direct the Public Ministry in the best way.