The president of the PPD, Natalia Piergentili, defended the agreement that guarantees a series of reforms to the new Constitution in case the I approve option is imposed. “It is not new to say that this text is perfectible. Here we do not make any substantive changes, we do not get into the heart of the project, we are not rewriters nor are we supplanting what the Convention did, we only did the exercise of putting the ball on the floor regarding giving a framework to aspects that generate uncertainty,” he said in an interview with Third.
The measures of the agreement will be proposed in the event that the I Approve option wins in the plebiscite on September 4. “I don’t see it as a victory, but I do emphasize that as a party we had the vision to collect common sense when it was not on the agenda to propose this path. The agreement served us to prove something that we have always told the President: we have experience and coalition vocation and we have been a government. This is how the Broad Front also did it, “said the PPD helmsman.
“This was a sign of political coherence, fiato, of mutual trust and of feeling part not only of the program, but of the point of arrival of this project. And the agreement was not achieved if we continued alone. The successful result is thanks to the President” , he affirmed regarding the agreement of the ruling party.
“Did I miss some “gustitos”? Probably. But in the thick, where the uncertainties of the citizenry were, they are clear,” he added.
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Natalia Piergentili was the first president of the ruling party to position herself since the Approval with the intention of reforming. In relation to President Gabriel Boric’s call, he expressed: “It took us by surprise that he gave us a task that did not seem easy to carry out. And not because we did not have the conviction, but because the PS had not yielded to the proposal and the Front Broad and the PC had ignored it. However, we must be willing to reflect on the political moment in which we are living and in that look of realism and conviction that Approval is the best path, the President had the leadership to urge us to reach an agreement “.