Prosecutors Osmar Legal and Alicia Sapriza charged former Interior Minister Arnaldo Giuzzio with Aggravated Passive Bribery and requested alternative measures to imprisonment. The Brazilian Prosecutor’s Office forwarded the messages of Marcos Vinicius with Giuzzio, where it is shown that there is a link between the two since August 2021.
Mr. Arnaldo Giuzzio, a former official of the Paraguayan State, exercised the title of the Ministry of the Interior, from January 22, 2021 to February 22, 2022 and among the administrative components he was in charge of being an expense organizer, issuing authorizations for the call to tenders, and the award of suppliers, services and consequently also sign the corresponding contracts.
In that order of things, according to the tax indictment, from July 2021 to February 2022, Arnaldo Giuzzio, in his capacity as Minister of the Interior, maintained constant communications with Marcus Vinicius Espindola Marques, who directed and managed the Black Eagle companies. Group SA and Ombú SA with various commercial activities, including rental and armoring of vehicles and whose intention was to be a supplier to the State, through the Ministry of the Interior and its friendly relationship with the then holder of the Portfolio.
Marcus Vinicius Espindola M. is currently detained in Brazil for drug trafficking.
In this link that would have been established, Giuzzio, in full exercise of his functions as Minister of the Interior, accepted vehicle armoring services for the National Police, supposedly as a courtesy by Mr. Vinicius Espindola.
Likewise, he would have accepted the loan, free of charge, of a vehicle for his personal and family use. The Prosecutor’s Office suspects that Giuzzio did not make any consideration for Marcus Vinicius’ vehicle, nor did the Blackeagle Group issue an invoice to the then Minister of the Interior since the vehicle would have been loaned and not leased.
On the other hand, between those mentioned there would have been several personal meetings both in the offices of the commercial firms of Marcus Vinicius Espindola. He would also have been invited to the shooting range of the Special Police Operational Forces, having links with drug trafficking and other encounters would have taken place.
Also via WhatsApp, in October 2021 Marcus Vinicius sends him a link about a journalistic news item, about a procedure in Brazilian territory on the Lava Jato case, of a raid on the home of Antonio Joaquin Da Mota. Where the Minister of the Interior thanks him and says: “I’m talking to you.”
On another occasion, he would have purchased armor services for a vehicle destined for a security operation, where they were also supposedly given as a “courtesy”, through which he had access to the security mechanisms. In addition, Mr. Arnaldo Giuzzio was aware of Mr. Vinicius Espindola’s intentions to be awarded as a supplier to the State.
Below is the indictment: