“Union money does not reach the municipal guards,” says Reinaldo Monteiro, a municipal guard in the city of Barueri (SP) for over 20 years, and president of the National Association of Municipal Guards. According to him, when the Ministry of Justice and Public Security launches a notice to transfer values to projects from states and municipalities, most cities do not participate because there are no staff to develop the project.
“A small municipality does not have a technical staff specializing in public safety to develop a project of protection and defense of women, to develop a project of protection and defense of children and adolescents, environmental protection,” says Reinaldo Monteiro. About two in three municipalities are cities with less than 20 thousand inhabitants, according to Census 2022.
The president of the National Association of Municipal Guards calls for assistance to the governors. “They have to understand that municipalities need to work what is the basics in security, and release their police to combat crimes of greater offensive potential.”
The Executive Secretary of Public Security, Projects and Covenants of Paudalho, municipality of the Zona da Mata de Pernambuco, Rebeca Figueiredo, also criticizes the bureaucracy of the process. “To meet the bureaucratic demands they ask for, projects have to be done by a PhD,” he describes
Rebeca Figueiredo and Reinaldo Monteiro participate on Tuesday (11), in Brasilia, Meeting of New Mayors and Mayorspromoted by the federal government. Among the public policies under discussion is the security of the residents of the municipalities.
Created in 2018 (Law 13.675), the Unified Public Security System provides for the integration of public security agencies, “with the purpose of preserving public order and the safety of persons and heritage, through joint, coordinated, systemic acting and integrated from the Public Security and Social Defense bodies of the Union, the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities, in articulation with society. ”
One Constitutional Amendment Proposal elaborating in the federal government and in debate with state governments raises the Unified Public Security System to constitutional status.
According to IBGE, there is a municipal guard in one of four municipalities, with a staff of 102,000 people.
Deep deep
Reinaldo Monteiro argues that the National Security Fund directs funds directly to municipalities, “Background Transfers”, as since the 1990s has happened to the National Health Fund and also occurs between the Union and the States and the Federal District to security.
Last year, the National Public Security Fund passed about $ 2.5 to the states and the Federal District. No resources were distributed to the municipalities. Of the total, R $ 1.124 billion was passed on mandatory transfer (to state and district funds). The rest, R $ 1.428 billion, funded the activities of the National Secretariat of Public Security (Senasp) and specific projects. For this year, the forecast is to pass directly R $ 1,166 billion.
For Rebeca Figueiredo, the Universal Public Security System (SUSP) should have a mechanism for transferring funds such as the Unified Health System (SUS). “The SUS has resources aimed at the basic units. Why don’t we have a basic security unit in SUS? ”
Proximity police
In her assessment, the Municipal Guard develops fundamental work for the system. “We are the latest in public safety. We are a proximity police. We know our citizens by name, we know our streets, we know what time opens and closes our trade – different from military police, which serve the entire state and are today in one municipality and tomorrow are in another. ”
“The Municipal Guard works within the municipality, knows everyone, knows everything and we are not used the right way. We can also be an intelligence police, give information to the other bodies, ”says Rebeca Figueiredo, who defends the transformation of municipal guards into municipal police, as provided for in the proposal for Constitutional Amendment (PEC) 57 in the House of Representatives.
Reinaldo Monteiro is in favor of more articulation and sees complementarity between the work of the national guards and the other police. “The idea is to organize the base of the Unified Public Security System from the municipality.”
The Ministry of Justice and Public Security, through Senasp, and in partnership with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Federal University of Viçosa, is conducting a survey with the commanders of the municipal guards to know them Operational and Administrative Capabilities of Corporations. Commanders have until March 7 to respond to the survey.