Home Central americaPanama Mulino promises to restore the republican State in Panama during the solemn session of the Bolivarian Society

Mulino promises to restore the republican State in Panama during the solemn session of the Bolivarian Society

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A few days after assuming office as president of the Republic of Panama, José Raúl Mulino stated that he will put all his efforts into rescuing the republican State as a form of government and the need to preserve, protect and promote it.

He affirmed that the deterioration of the Republican State in Panama has led to a perverse judicial system, which has lent itself to political persecutions, which even almost limited the will of the Panamanian people in the last May 5 elections.

These were part of the remarks that Mulino presented when participating today as a speaker in the Solemn Session of the Bolivarian Society with which the 198th anniversary of the installation of the Amphictyonic Congress of Panama was commemorated and in which the brilliant contribution was highlighted history of the liberator Simón Bolívar. An event that took place in the Plaza de los Libertadores in the courtyard of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Mulino stressed that his effort to reestablish the Republican system in Panama will be accompanied by the need to preserve, protect and promote the international system based on rules, as a primary tool to maintain peace in the world and promote the development of peoples, “as “They establish the guidelines that emanate from the brilliant and legendary career of the Liberator Simón Bolívar, great architect of American freedom and eminent creator of republics.”

“I am committed to recovering the prestige of the Nation so that Panama can once again be a respected State in the international community, which is managed seriously, where public and private commitments are fully fulfilled, where judicial decisions are the result. of enlightened and reasoned legal criteria, as should occur in every republican State.
I consider that the commemoration of the Amphictyonic Congress of Panama provides us with an important frame of reference in our efforts to clean up the country’s image and shore up the republican institutionality that, let us remember, is the basis of our State,” said Mulino during the Bolivarian Society event. from Panama.

He warned about the high degree of deterioration that the republican system has had in Panama, where the judicial system has been used to politicize politics, mainly in the electoral part. “Using the judicial system to neutralize, persecute or take revenge on political adversaries,” Mulino denounced in his speech. “I myself have had to face, personally, both deviations from the republican ideal. “It is no secret to anyone that, in recent periods – as well as in dictatorial times, which were believed to have been overcome – exogenous and not at all disinterested elements dared to use the judicial system to neutralize, persecute or take revenge on political adversaries,” said the President-elect. .

Mulino indicated that this interference contributed in Panama to a greater perversion of justice, whose partiality, inefficiency, outdatedness and venality constitute “one of our great evils and deeply affect the reputation of the Panamanian State.”

He also stressed that, in the last Panamanian electoral process, the country was one step away from the popular will being subordinated to a judicial ruling that was intended to be issued as a consequence of the penetration of the Judiciary by interests outside said State body, to achieve ends. equally alien to the public interest and national well-being. “We have seen in the recent electoral period the dangerous attempt by some sectors to use the judicial system to further their appetite for power.”

However, Mulino pointed out that, just as it was outrageous to have to face the attempts to judicialize the elections, “it was invigorating to have the electoral monitoring and accompaniment of the Organization of American States, an international organization whose primary antecedent is found in the Congress of Panama. of 1826.”
Regarding the objective of preserving, protecting and promoting the rules-based international system as a primary tool to maintain peace, Mulino said that in his government the observance and compliance with International Law will be the guiding principle of our foreign policy, “and we will adhere to it.” to ensure that the Panamanian State is respected and valued in the international community and that the Republic of Panama recovers the prestige and position that correspond, in the concert of nations, to a dignified, industrious, democratic and peace-loving people.”

“We will achieve these great purposes, aimed at the recovery of national prestige, with the support of the entire government that will soon assume power, under my direction, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in collaboration with the Bolivarian Society of Panama, to which I reiterate my congratulations for the incessant work that, over almost a century, has been carried out to keep alive the memory and validity of the worthy Amphictyonic Congress of Panama,” stated the President-elect of Panama.

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