The lady is Yenni Elizabeth Rosado reported that her son, who is being held in a prison in the province of mount silveris being abused.
The prisoner was identified as José Roberto Rosado, according to a video made by Elizabeth Rosado to denounce the case.
“On Monday at 8:00 p.m., the deputy director of the mount silver (Vladimir) went to my son’s cell to look for him to take him to the grill (it is a place of punishment in prison), without my son having done anything, “he narrated.
He indicated that before this action his son asked him the reason why he would be taken to the place.
“Vladimir handcuffs him and calls a few more agents. They started hitting him, they gave them many blows, they even gave him rubber cartridges, ”he explained.
I called the director of the center mount silver to find out what had happened to my son, because the interns called me when this was happening.
“She told me that I can’t see my son for a while, because he is on punishment and can’t receive visits or calls,” Rosado details.
In that sense, he indicated that he went to the General Directorate of Prisons to report what had happened.
“What they told me is that I can’t see my son for a while,” he reiterated.
She stated that she fears for her son’s life and hers.
“I don’t know what has happened to my son and I need to know,” she said, visibly worried.
Responsible for the center mount silver for life his offspring.
He made a call to the prosecutor Miriam Germán Brito to take on the case.