The mother and sister of the young man David of the Saints, Damiana Correa and Sugeidy de los Santos, respectively, showed this Monday your disagreement with the judge’s decision who knows the process against the officers and civilians involved in the death of the young man David of the Saintswho was tortured in police custody, an act that would cause his death according to a forensic report.
“I feel outraged by the decision that the judge made, because that was not the decision that I expected. I expected something else,” said Doña Damiana in an interview on Monday on the television program “Despierta con CDN.”
Read more: One year of preventive detention for 5 involved in the death of David de los Santos
Máximo Peña, a lawyer for David’s family, added that “for the health of the process” they should not have contemplated measures of coercion with benefits for the officers involved in the case, that is, they should have been sent to the public jail and not to which the members of the military institutions are taken since they were asked to leave and committed serious offenses in accordance with the regulations of the National Police.
He clarified that both they and the Prosecutor’s Office will appeal the judge’s decision that issued one year of preventive detention to the four officers and three civilians identified as responsible for the death of the young man.
Captain David Alberto Rodriguez and second lieutenant German Garcia de la Cruz will go to the Special Operations prison in Manoguayabo, Santo Domingo Oeste, and civilians Santiago Mateo Vitoriano, Michael Pérez Ramos and Juan Carlos Martinez Pena to Najayo, in San Cristobal.
while against the cape Alfonso Decena Hernandez and the satin Sari Manuel Gonzalez Garcia Judge Paul Imbert Rosario he arranged prison but in his residences.