Georgina Saldierna and Fabiola Martinez
Newspaper La Jornada
Saturday April 30, 2022, p. 5
Morena in the Chamber of Deputies will propose to the Political Coordination Board (Jucopo) the holding of an open parliament to unburden the constitutional reform initiative in electoral matters, while holding assemblies in the 300 electoral districts and at the state level so that citizens Get to know the proposal of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
In a strategy similar to the one used for the electrical reform, Ignacio Mier, coordinator of the morenistas in San Lázaro, said that he will propose to Jucopo to carry out a broad debate, in which the Canal del Congreso and all its platforms participate. .
We are going to invite, now not only the Radio and Television System of the Mexican State, but also all the concessionaires that have the television and radio spectrum to accompany us and that way they can socialize and Mexicans can exercise the right to be informed
he pointed out.
As part of the discussion, together with academics, scholars and political parties, the different electoral reforms that have been carried out in the country in recent years will be reviewed, he added.
At the same time, Morena’s coordinator in the Senate, Ricardo Monreal, demanded that the opposition in the Chamber of Deputies not disqualify a priori the reform and assume a reflective attitude, review the content of the presidential proposal and try to find an agreement for its approval through dialogue, before assuming definitive positions.
The deputy coordinator of Morena in San Lázaro, Leonel Godoy, stressed that they will prioritize dialogue and give maximum publicity to President López Obrador’s initiative, since it is advanced, very similar to that of Spain, to that of other European countries
Meanwhile, the deputy coordinator of Morena, Aleida Alavez, announced that the issue will be taken to public squares and that district and state assemblies will be held.
For his part, the deputy Hamlet García stressed that the initiative proposes to save 16 billion pesos for what corresponds only to the prerogatives of the political parties. Of that amount, he explained, 11 billion correspond to the financing of national political parties and 5.3 billion to local political forces. The sum of these resources is higher than the budget of Guadalajara, the second largest city in the country.
A saving of 13 thousand 261 million pesos is also foreseen for the extinction of the Local Public Organizations and more than 4 thousand million pesos for the extinction of the 32 local electoral courts.
Given that the opposition bloc announced that it will vote against the proposal, the legislator asked him to at least read it, since it was prepared by a team of people dedicated to electoral issues for decades.
In turn, the deputy Reginaldo Sandoval, of the Labor Party, considered it decisive that the document follow the same path as the electrical reform and give it wide dissemination, so that citizens find out what it is about, give their opinion on the initiative and join more actively in your discussion.
Deputy Godoy, meanwhile, noted that the consequences for the opposition, for turning their back on the people, by not approving the electricity reform, are already being felt. Today we saw a poll where we are up in all six states. We are going to win all six states, for this bad decision they made
rejection of the PRI
The initiative sent on Thursday by the Executive to the Chamber of Deputies has no nothing positive
asserted the PRI, ratifying the vote against this party and its coalition partners, PAN and PRD.
Therefore, he ruled out the possibility of going to an extraordinary period in Congress for this issue, and pointed out that it could be analyzed until the next ordinary period (from September).
After the reform initiative was published in the Parliamentary Gazettethe leadership of tricolor stressed that in the terms in which it has been proposed, it will not obtain the votes of the legislators of the PRI or of the Va por México coalition
. He argued that the initiative is an attempt to weaken democracy.