Morenista and allied senators generally approve the reform to the GN

Morena goes for unclaimed resources to dedicate them to the National Guard

“These are livestock resources, they are 10, 15, 30 years old and they have not been claimed,” he said.

Mier rejected that they are resources from the Retirement Savings System (SAR) for workers and that they have not been claimed, since they are “only those that derive from criminal activities”, but they are resources that are not under the administration of the Institute to Give Back to the People the Stolen, but in commercial banking.

“Next week we present the initiative,” he said. This would consist in making use of the financial resources that are found in commercial banking and that are forgotten for years, since there is currently no legal procedure to dispose of them.

It is planned to establish a financial procedure that gives certainty and that if they are claimed through the courts, they can be reinstated.

Its destination “will be exclusively labeled for equipment and training to States and municipalities. It would have no other use.”

GN does not need resources

In contrast, the president of the Constitutional Points Commission, Juan Ramiro Robledo, assured that no budgetary impact derived from the obligation of the National Guard to train more state and municipal police is contemplated.

The Center for Public Finance Studies of the Chamber of Deputies “says that there is no impact, it does not alter the 2022 budget because, as it was approved last week, since the National Guard is in two secretariats (National Defense and Navy), there is a transfer of budget items.

That is why “there is no impact that implies spending more” even if there is an obligation to train, said the Moreno deputy.

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