Roberto Garduno
Newspaper La Jornada
Wednesday, June 1, 2022, p. 5
By maintaining that the crime of treason against the fatherland, contained in article 123 of the Federal Penal Code, is configured and is applicable to the 223 opposition deputies who voted against the electricity reform of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the Morena party He went to the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) to start an investigation folder, presenting as support for his demand one million 731 thousand 779 signatures of people related to his demand.
In addition, he added to the first complaint one more against the candidate of the Va por México coalition (which is made up of the PAN and PRI) to the government of Aguascalientes, Teresa Jiménez, for alleged acts of corruption.
Thus, five days before the electoral process for the governorships in Aguascalientes, Durango, Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo and Tamaulipas, Morena organized the presentation of her complaints, outside the FGR, where reporters, cameramen, photographers and fans of that match in CDMX.
The denunciation of treason against the fatherland is based on the political field, because the opponents, according to the icing party, favored to foreign companies against the interest of citizens
The legal representative of Morena, Mario Llergo, argued the complaint against the traitors to the country in this way: “Article 123 of the Federal Penal Code warns that a prison sentence of four to 40 years in prison will be imposed on any Mexican who commits treason to the homeland in any of the ways: carry out acts against the independence, sovereignty and integrity of the nation with the purpose of submitting it to a foreign person or group or government.
We believe that the elements of treason against the fatherland committed on April 17 by legislators who privileged the interests of foreign companies are configured, and well now the issue is running in the spring of the investigative body that is the FGR, and our The national leadership has complied with this republican act that will be protected with more than one million 700 thousand signatures of citizens who defend our country
In this way, the Morenoite national leader, Mario Delgado, made a long recount of why the complaint was chosen: Today we are presenting this new complaint against the opposition on the issue of electricity reform. We know years later that Enrique Peña Nieto’s reform was approved based on cannon shots of money from suitcases full of money and buying votes, that is why we also felt the historical responsibility of presenting this criminal complaint
According to Delgado – who put aside the question regarding the disagreements that his role as a leader provokes in Morena militants and demand his resignation – the complaints filed they are not going to cloud these elections