Home South AmericaParaguay More than 60% of Chartist Senate candidates have questions

More than 60% of Chartist Senate candidates have questions

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More than 60% of Chartist Senate candidates have questions

“Honor Colorado” presented its list of 45 candidates for the Senate. However, the list is made up of actors with a history of questioning various types of crimes. Next, Selva Castiñeira, a political scientist, explains that these candidates insist again in Congress, due to the prebendaryism that exists and the personal benefits generated by occupying said legislative position.

Selva Castiñeira, a political scientist, explains that the current context in the country shows a significant rejection of the ruling party and the political class in general.

He explains that the majority of politicians generate little credibility in the electorate, despite this it is seen that the candidacies for senators of the congress again occupy various figures that are exercising in Congress or within the government, a Parliament quite punctuated by a high corruption, many of them currently in legal proceedings.

“This means that there is no governability because these positions are held by representatives to propose solutions to the problems of society, it is very common to see that when issues of interest to people linked to large interests must be addressed, they intervene and the quorum is avoided. to postpone any project that affects citizens, then it shows that there are really no intentions to look after common interests”, he pointed out.

He affirmed that citizens are in trouble due to the economic crisis, which makes it difficult for Paraguayans to survive from day to day due to the decisions of our politicians.

“I understand that even as citizens, a large percentage still vote for the colors or gives rise to electoral prebendaryism without realizing that this is a crumb for a few months to give rise to mismanagement and bad spending of 5 years, I also estimate that if the politicians did not obtain so many benefits through power, no one would be interested in being part of a candidacy”, he concluded.

Castineira Jungle.

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