Today: July 27, 2024
June 27, 2023
1 min read

More Nicaraguans than Venezuelans want to leave their country, according to a Cid-Gallup survey

More Nicaraguans than Venezuelans want to leave their country, according to a Cid-Gallup survey

At least 40 out of every hundred Nicaraguans would like to leave their country in the face of the severe economic, political and social crisis that the Central American nation is experiencing, and in this regard, Nicaragua already surpasses Venezuela, according to a recent survey carried out by Cid- Gallup regionally.

According to the results revealed by the polling firm, there are more Nicaraguans than Venezuelans who have expressed their desire to leave their country and would do so if they had the necessary resources to undertake the trip.

In Venezuela, governed by the dictator Nicolás Maduro, political heir to the other dictator, Hugo Chávez, the probability of migrating for its citizens, if they had the resources, is 30%, that is, out of every 100 Venezuelans, 30 want to leave their country.

Related news: Daniel Ortega among the most unpopular presidents in Latin America, according to Cid Gallup

In Nicaragua, governed by the dictators Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo, 40 out of 100 Nicaraguans want to leave the country and would do so if they had the necessary resources. Reveals the Cid-Gallup survey.

The measurement was carried out by Cid-Gallup between May and June, using the methodology of calls to mobile phones or face-to-face interviews (in the countries that are allowed to do so), with a minimum sample of 1,200 citizens in each country and its level of confidence is of 95%.

The data revealed by the survey shows that the crisis in Nicaragua increasingly disappoints and despairs Nicaraguans, a country in which, according to other data released by Cid-Gallup, 55% of its inhabitants say “they do not always have money to buy food” and where Daniel Ortea, as president, enjoys only 34 percent credibility.

Related news: 55% of Nicaraguans say they do not always have money to buy food, reveals CID Gallup

Publications by the economist and political analyst in exile Enrique Sáenz summarize that in Nicaragua formal employment is only enough for 34% of the population, that is, 66% of Nicaraguans are unemployed or informally employed, in an economy where the basic basket has a cost that is close to 20,000 córdobas, according to data updated to April by the Nicaraguan Institute of Development Information (Inide).

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