Home Central americaNicaragua Mónica López denounces the “professional level of cynicism” of the INSS: she charges her, while she steals her mother’s pension

Mónica López denounces the “professional level of cynicism” of the INSS: she charges her, while she steals her mother’s pension

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Mónica López denounces the "professional level of cynicism" of the INSS: she charges her, while she steals her mother's pension

Mónica López Baltodano, daughter of the former guerrilla commander Mónica Baltodano, denounces the “impudence” of the dictatorship to continue sending charges corresponding to her optional insurance after stripping her of her nationality.

«Professional level of cynicism: emails from the INSS (Nicaraguan Social Security Institute) charging me for optional insurance, which I used to pay to accumulate fees, after they stole my mom and dad’s old-age pension, appropriating decades of other people’s work. They erased our nationality but they continue to charge, “says the Baltodano complaint.

Related news: The Baltodano family repudiates the “dictatorial decree” that seeks to take away their right to be Nicaraguans

The human rights defender attached a receipt via email that the Nicaraguan institution sent reminding her that “she has an expired invoice.” López Baltodano, together with his parents, was part of the group of 94 citizens stripped of their nationality by orders of the dictatorship of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo.

At that time, the activist denounced that they were forced into exile “after a relentless police siege on our homes whose objective was to kidnap us. Today, we are facing a pusillanimous dictatorial decree that seeks to take away our right to be Nicaraguans.”

Baltodano and his family joined the long list of citizens who were forced to go into exile to preserve their freedom and integrity, due to government repression, persecution, and harassment of opponents by the Ortega dictatorship since 2018.

In September 2018, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) granted precautionary measures to Mónica López Baltodano and her relatives, because “the rights to life and personal integrity of the proposed beneficiary are at serious risk. The agency considered at that time that this risk situation extends to her family nucleus, who could also be affected.

Baltodano denounced that his family could be imprisoned for their role as opponents and for the incessant espionage actions, daily presence of police intelligence, harassment and political persecution of the Ortega-Murillo dictatorship.

The Popol Nah Foundation was confiscated from the Baltodano family after its legal status was canceled along with another group of NGOs in December 2018. In the facilities of that organization, the regime ordered the Ministry of Health to install a maternity home.

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