33′: Shot on goal by Rodrigo Garro (TAL), Ezequiel Centurión (RIV) controls the ball.
32′: Foul by Bruno Zuculini (RIV) on Matías Godoy (TAL).
31′: Infraction by Milton Casco (RIV) to Enzo Díaz (TAL). The referee marks a free throw.
28′: Third shot on goal by Francisco Pizzini, Talleres’ main offensive weapon.
27′: Foul by Esequiel Barco (RIV) on Diego Valoyes (TAL). The judge marks a free throw.
26′: The match is locked in the midfield and the teams do not find depth in the areas.
25′: First corner kick of the match: Matías Godoy executes for Talleres, but finds no one in the area.
23′: Agustín Palavecino (RIV) commits a foul on Francisco Pizzini (TAL).
twenty’: Yellow card for Bruno Zuculini (RIV).
17′: Foul by Pablo Solari (RIV) on Matías Catalán (TAL)
16′: Shot on goal by Miguel Ángel Borja (RIV), Guido Herrera keeps the ball.
fifteen’: New shot at goal by Francisco Pizzini.
14′: Infraction of Rodrigo Villagra to Agustín Palavecino.
13′: Foul by Santiago Simón on Francisco Pizzini.
12′: Talleres is still looking for the right sector of River’s defense. Pizzini looks for Godoy and Mammana cuts the danger.
eleven’: Pizzini continues to be Talleres’ offensive card. He finishes off the goal from outside the area and it almost goes wide.
9′: New chance for River Plate. Esequiel Barco shoots and goes wide.
8′: Christian Oliva (TAL) fouls Esequiel Barco (RIV).
6′: Miguel Ángel Borja shoots at the goal, but the shot goes wide.
4′: First arrival of Talleres with Valoyes, which overflows to the bottom line and throws the center back that finds no destination.
3′: Talleres looks for the rival area. Pizzini overflows and Mammana clears to the side.
1′: Agustín Palavecino has the first arrival for River and goalkeeper Herrera diverts to the corner