Ministry of the Interior prepares operation with 100 policemen for caravan by Suárez

The Ministry of the Interior ordered a security operation for the arrival of the new National player, Luis Suárez. The fans have planned a caravan that will leave the Carrasco Airport to the Central Park, where there will be an event to welcome them.

Personnel from the Police Headquarters of Montevideo and Canelones, Republican Guard, Highway, Migration, Unified Command Center and Firefighters will participate. In total, there will be 100 police officers, reported from the Ministry of the Interior.

The caravan will be accompanied by Transit personnel from the headquarters and the Republican Guard. At the same time, it will be monitored by the Video Surveillance, Analytics and Urban Survey Directorate (DIVARU) of the Unified Command Center.

Depending on the amount of public that gathers, there is the possibility that they will redirect part of the traffic.

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