Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE) awarded for a total value of G. 1,680,000,000
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE) awarded a total value of G. 1,680,000,000 to the Call for Tenders No. 404,072 for the Maintenance and Repair Service for MRE Headquarters. For this tender, offers began to be received on Monday, January 17, 2022.
In the tender that is within the category Cleaning Services, Maintenance and Minor and Major Repairs of Installations, Machinery and Vehicles 2 companies were benefited. The procedure implemented to carry out the call for bids was National Public Bidding.
The call was presented by 9 companies, of which finally 2 of them were suppliers of said tender.
The awarded companies were Victor Julian Ayala Perdomo represented by Victor Julian Ayala Perdomo for a value of G. 1,080,000,000, their participation as supplier represents 64.29% of the total awarded and José Eduardo Cabrera represented by José Eduardo Cabrera for a value of 600,000,000 with a participation of 35.71% of the total awarded.
Plumbing works by G. 1,273,980.
Sanitary Repair Works by G. 2,381,880.
Sheet Metal Works by G. 1,212,830.
Floor Laying Works by G. 4,033,290.
Carpentry works by G. 6,188,680.
Painting works by G. 1,510,490.
Miscellaneous Works by G. 28,854,670.
Interior Latex Painting With Filler for G. 50,000.
Exterior Latex Paint With Filler for G. 50,000.
Synthetic Paint for Doors and Windows for G. 60,000.
Demolition and Replacement of Wall Plaster With Water-repellent for G. 60,000.
Removal and Replacement of Insulation With 4mm Aluminum Asphaltic Membrane. Includes Folder Repair With Pending Enhancement. by G. 196,260.
Removal and Replacement of Slab Plaster for G. 66,000.
Removal and Replacement of Floor With New Carpet by G. 173.760.
Removal and Disposal of Natural Soil 10 Cm Thick by G. 23,760.
Reinforced Concrete Pavement 121 Cm Thick, With Grill Reinforcement 8 Mm Every 20 Cm, in Vehicle Parking for G. 305,000.
Excavation and Installation of Pluvial Drainage Pipe With Two Pipes of 100 Mm per G. 170,000.
Rain Register 60 X 60 Cm Thick With Reinforced Grids, Suitable for Vehicular Traffic for G. 330,000.
Removal and Replacement of Sidewalk for G. 90,000.
Removal and Replacement of Tiles for G. 120,000.
Change of High Cistern for G. 101,260.
Change of Flexible Hoses for G. 43,000.
Change of 1/2″ Stopcock for G. 178.750.
Change of Toilet for G. 313,750.
Change of Padded Toilet Lid for G. 131.250.
Placing and Painting of Gutter With Descent, Plate N° 26 for G. 120,000.
Change of plaster ceiling with paint in the main building for G. 230,000.
Change of Corrugated Sheet No. 26 in Ceilings for G. 180,000.
Tile Roof Repair by G. 263.760.
Permanent and Final Cleaning With Debris Disposal for G. 370,000.
Electrical Lighting Fixtures by G. 2,643,084.
Electrical Lighting Fixtures – Labor by G. 425.066.
Electric Gate for G. 1,987,000.
Electric Gate Labor by G. 735.833.
Thermo Magnetic Keys, Contactors and Photocells by G. 2.459.166.
Labor Thermomagnetic keys, contactors and photocells for G. 170,000.
Electrical Accessories by G. 753.416.
Labor of Electrical Accessories for G. 152,250.
Wiring Plastic Gutters and Metallic Tray by G. 72.435.
Labor for Wiring Plastic Gutters and Metal Tray for G. 17,500.
Boards and Air Extractors for G. 645,000.
Labor Panels and Air Extractors for G. 260,000.
Centrifugal Pumps. Brands: 1 Valco, 2 Pedrollo and 1 Saer. Origin: Italy – China. Location: Asubank Rooftop and Subfloor, Ambar Rooftop, José Falcón Rooftop. Capacity: 10 HP. Feeding: Triphasic. Quantity 4 Units per G. 4,866,300.
Centrifugal Pumps. Brand: Pedrollo. Origin Italy. Location: Subsoil Asubank. Capacity: 7.5 Hp. Quantity: 1. Power supply: Three-phase by G. 4.705.201.
Centrifugal Pumps. Brand: SAER. Origin: China. Location: Parking Academy Building. Capacity: 3 HP. Quantity 3 Units. Food: Triphasic by G. 4,406,734.
Centrifugal Pumps. Brand: Pedro. Origin: Italy. Location: Azotea and Subsoil Asubank Academia Ambar Parking Subsoil and Roof for G. 3,826,735.
Submersible Pumps. Brand: No Data. Origin: No Data. Location: Rooftop and Subfloor Asubank Academia Ambar Parking, Subfloor and Rooftop. Capacity: 1Hp. Quantity: 4 Units. Power supply: Monophasic Triphasic. by G. 4,015,900.
Extractor. Brand: Weg. Origin: Brazil. Location: Parking lot Edif. Benigno López Building. Capacity: 10 HP. Food: Triphasic by G. 5,397,698.
Extractor. Brand: Weg. Origin: Brazil. Location: Benigno López Building Transformer Room by G. 2.907.901.
Extractor. Brand: Weg. Origin: Brazil. Location: Benigno López Building Elevator Machine Room by G. 3.607.567.
Accessories for Motorized Pumps and Air Extractors by G. 3.014.417.
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