Seven hundred and four new housing units will be built in populated areas, already consolidated or expanding, in the states of Minas Gerais and Pernambuco. The estimate is that with the works, 2,800 people will be able to live in their own homes, as part of the federal government’s Minha Casa Minha Vida program.
According to a note from the Ministry of Cities, 200 homes will be built in Belo Horizonte and 144 in the city of Nova Lima, around 22 kilometers from the capital of Minas Gerais. In Pernambuco, 360 properties will be built in two housing complexes in Olinda, neighboring the capital, Recife.
The single-story houses to be built must have at least 40 square meters (m²) in area. Apartments and attached houses must measure at least 41.50 m² (including balcony). Families with incomes of up to R$2,850 will be served.
The expected expenditure is R$119.2 million from the New Growth Acceleration Program (PAC), capitalized with resources for the construction of the Residential Lease Fund.
Rio Grande do Sul
Also in a note, the Ministry of Cities promised to respond more quickly to families whose homes were affected by last year’s floods in Rio Grande do Sul.
To this end, Caixa Econômica Federal will rely on the services of around 450 companies hired as banking correspondents to help impacted families search, choose and buy new or used properties.
According to a Central Bank resolution, the banking correspondent acts to mediate the relationship between the buyer of a property and the bank until the credit is approved.
Around R$3 billion is available, through Caixa Econômica, for the purchase of properties in urban and rural areas. The resources were provided for in two provisional measures proposed last year by the government to the National Congress.