Former Prime Minister and Congressman Guido Bellido (Perú Libre) questioned the head of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), Óscar Graham, for his refusal to participate in the Shareholders’ Meeting of Petroperu convened by the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM) to give “absolute support” to the management of Hugo Chávez Arévalo.
“A trusted public official should not be against a state company, it is a sabotage of the implementation of government policy”, published Bellido Ugarte through his Twitter account last Saturday.
SIGHT: Petroperú manager wants to have all purchases under his control
“On the day, the Minister of Economy must be dismissed for being against the president and the Government”, added the official parliamentarian.
Guido Bellido’s position arises after the MEF sends an official letter in response to the call sent to the president of the Board of Directors of Petroperú, Mario Contreras, where he states that he does not agree with the agent scheduled for the meeting.
“We consider it legally inadmissible to include as part of the agenda of a General Shareholders’ Meeting the approval of a binding action for any public entity, without taking into account their powers, or the legal system that regulates them within the framework of their respective autonomy, and that he disagrees with the content of point 1 of the Agenda, so he will not attend”, the MEF underlined in the document.
The call to the Shareholders’ Meeting was made after the request of the Minister of Energy and Mines, Carlos Palacios, where he asked Mario Contreras to organize the meeting for Saturday, March 19 at 4:00 pm, setting the agenda: “approval of absolute support in favor of Petroperú SA by the Ministry of Economy and Finance”.