In the session of Monday, February 28, the Plenary of Congress debated the motion that proposed censorship to the Minister of Transport and Communications, Juan Silva Villegas. However, no vote was taken, since the holder of this portfolio resigned from office minutes before the voting begins.
The publication of the supreme resolution accepting the resignation of Juan Silva from the MTC was decisive for congresswoman Rossangela Barbarán, of Fuerza Popular, to withdraw the previous question, whose objective was for the congressmen to decide on the fate of the minister, who held the position from the beginning of the Government of peter castle.
YOU CAN SEE: Government formalizes resignation of Juan Silva to the Ministry of Transport and Communications
It is necessary to mention that during the debate, some groups expressed their willingness to abstain, such as Acción Popular, Podemos Perú and Somos Perú. Meanwhile, Renovación Popular, Avanza País, Alianza para el Progreso and Fuerza Popular announced that they would speak out for censorship.
Another topic that was addressed in the Congress revolved around the motion of censure against María del Carmen Alva. After the support of the motion of censure No. 2052 by legislator Carlos Zeballos of Democratic Peru, the Plenary Session of Congress did not admit it to debate. 35 votes in favor, 70 against and 4 abstentions were the results of the vote.
Details of the plenary session of Congress this Monday, February 28
Live: Full debate motion of censure against head of the MTC, Juan Silva
Congress rejects the admission to debate of motion 2081 and suspends the session
With 54 votes in favor, 23 against and 26 abstentions, the plenary session of Congress rejected the admission to debate of motion 2081, which proposes to condemn Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine and reject the recognition of the Donetsk and Lugansk republics.
Congress did not approve Bill 1271
With 44 votes against, Parliament rejected the interpretation of numeral 4 of the ninth transitory provision of Law 31357 (PL 1273).
María del Carmen Alva summons the congressmen to the session of the second legislature
After the end of the first ordinary legislature, the president of Congress, María del Carmen Alva, informed the parliamentarians that the installation of the second ordinary legislature will take place at 00:05 on Tuesday, March 1.
Photo: Congress
They support PL to interpret provision numeral for right of political participation. Photo: Congress
Congressman Alejandro Muñante of Renovación Popular supports bill 1271, which proposes to interpret numeral 4 of the ninth transitory provision of Law 31357, and reaffirm the preferential position of the right to political participation.
They approve the formation of a special commission to elect candidates for Ombudsman
Passes to fourth intermediate PL seeking supplementary credits for local and regional government financing
The plenary session of Congress passed bill No. 1212, which approves supplementary appropriations for the financing of higher expenses of national government entities, regional governments and local governments, and dictates other measures.
Congress authorizes President Pedro Castillo’s trip to Chile
With 74 votes in favor, 31 against and 6 abstentions, the plenary session of Congress authorized the trip of President Pedro Castillo to Chile to attend the inauguration of the country’s elected president, Gabriel Boric.
Session suspended after disagreements in plenary
María del Carmen Alva suspended the session after it was not possible to return to order after Congresswoman Rossangela Barbarán presented a preliminary question to vote on the motion of censure against Minister Juan Silva, despite the fact that President Pedro Castillo announced that accepted the resignation of the head of the MTC.
Pedro Castillo accepts the resignation of Minister Juan Silva
Before the motion of censure against Juan Silva is voted on, President Pedro Castillo announced that the head of the MTC submitted his resignation from office.
“I inform the public that I accept the resignation presented today by Minister Juan Silva, thanking him for his services. Our commitment remains in force with the people and we need to meet the objectives set by the Government,” Castillo said in a tweet.
Podemos Peru will also refrain from censoring Juan Silva
Enrique Wong, spokesman for Podemos Peru, announced that his bench will abstain from the motion of censure against the head of the MTC, Juan Silva Villegas.
We are Peru will abstain in motion of censure against Juan Silva
The spokesman for Somos Perú, Wilmar Elera, announced that his bench will also abstain in the vote on the motion of censure against the Minister of Transport and Communications, Juan Silva Villegas.
Acción Popular will vote in abstention motion of censure against Juan Silva
The spokesman for Popular Action, Elvis Vergara, announced that his bench will abstain from the motion of censure against the Minister of Transport and Communications, Juan Silva Villegas.
They do not admit motion of censure against Patricia Chirinos
With 37 votes in favor, 65 against and 11 abstentions, the plenary session of Congress did not admit the motion of censure against the third vice president of Parliament, Patricia Chirinos.
Plenary does not admit motion of censure against María del Carmen Alva
With 35 votes in favor, 70 against and 4 abstentions, the plenary session of Congress did not admit the motion of censure against the president of Congress, María del Carmen Alva, for debate.
Another motion of censure is supported against María del Carmen Alva. Photo: capture/Congress
Legislator Carlos Zeballos of Democratic Peru begins the support of the motion of censure No. 2052 to censure María del Carmen Alva after meeting with other legislators to discuss a vacancy against the president, Pedro Castillo.
Plenary of Congress refused to debate motion of censure against Alva and Camones
Wilmar Elera from Somos Perú shows his support for Alva and Camones
“Where one or more congressmen meet, it is not to talk about soccer but to talk about politics. As such, there is no fault, or intention to hit anyone. We agree that the president (María del Carmen Alva) can continue on the Board of Directors,” said the spokesman for the Somos Perú caucus, Wilmar Elera.
Spokespersons begin their intervention on motion of censure against Alva and Camones
The congressman and spokesman for the Popular Action (AP) bench, Elvis Vergara, begins his arguments on the motion of censure against María del Carmen Alva and Lady Camones. “We cannot claim censorship for the fact of a public meeting, just for a lunch,” he said.
Alex Flores supports the motion of censure against Alva and Camones. Photo: capture/Congress
Legislator Alex Flores of Peru Libre supports the 2015 motion, which proposes that Congress censure the president of the National Parliament, María del Carmen Alva Prieto, and the first vice president, Lady Camones Soriano.
Enrique Wong will chair the plenary debate this Monday 28
The head of Parliament, María del Carmen Alva, leaves the second vice president, Enrique Wong Pujada (Podemos Perú), in charge of carrying out the plenary session of Congress. This is because there are three motions on the agenda to censor her and Lady Camones and Patricia Chirinos, first and third vice president of Congress, respectively.
The plenary session of Congress begins where the motion of censure against Minister Juan Silva will be seen
The legislators of the various benches marked their attendance for the Plenary Session of Congress this Monday, February 28. In total, 110 parliamentarians marked their attendance, completing the regulatory quorum to start the session.
previous note
East Monday February 28 from 6.00 p.m. m. the Plenary of Congress of the republic will start a new session in the Hemicycle where the Agenda Motion No. 2066 proposed by censorship against the head of the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC), Juan Silvafor alleged irregularities in the sector.
Earlier, the Board of Speakers of Parliament agreed not to postpone possible censure against John Silva. Similarly, it was decided that the debate should last two hours where each bench spokesperson will have five minutes to present their arguments and position regarding the motion against the head of the MTC.
The motion filed against the Minister of Transport points out that he has been carrying out “acts that contravene the principles of public management and that border on illegality, putting the entire sector at serious risk to the detriment of the well-being of the population.” His inexperience and lack of capacity is also pointed out to direct the portfolio. This, as a result of the resignations of several MTC officials who denounced irregularities in the handling.
YOU CAN SEE: Congress: Board of Spokespersons agrees to form a commission to elect the Ombudsman
Also on the agenda are three motions to censure the members of the Board of Directors of Congress. The first was presented by the legislators of Free Peru and Democratic Peru where they explain reasons for censor the head of Parliament, María del Carmen Alvaas well as the first vice president, Lady Camones.
Along the same lines, there is the motion of censure No. 2052 presented by the congresswoman and Minister of LaborBetssy Chávez, to censor María del Carmen Alva after meeting with other legislators to discuss a vacancy against the president, Pedro Castillo. Similarly, there is motion No. 2055 that proposes to censor the third vice president of Congress, Patricia Chirinos.
Another of the agreements of the Board of Spokespersons was to fix the times of the debate after theto a statement given by the head of the Council of Ministers, Aníbal Torres, next Tuesday March 8 in order to ask for the vote of confidence. Here it was agreed that there will be three hours of debate and 10 minutes for each parliamentary speaker.
YOU CAN SEE: Together for Peru: The seriousness of the events requires a sanction, whoever falls
On the other hand, it also agreed that the commission in charge of electing and proposing before the national representation to the new Ombudsman, replacing Walter Gutiérrez, is made up, for the most part, by the spokespersons of the parliamentary caucuses. This initiative will be debated in plenary this Monday.