▲ The president of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation, Mónica Soto, and the magistrate Felipe Fuentes participated yesterday in the meeting of that body.Photo by Yazmin Ortega
Jessica Xantomila and Fabiola Martinez
The newspaper La Jornada
Thursday, August 1, 2024, p. 5
In the debate on judicial reform it is very important
that the processes for appointing members of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), the Electoral Tribunal and the Judicial Council be discussed in depth, since they are not responding to the conditions and guarantees that are expected
In the current context, acknowledged Judge Reyes Rodríguez Mondragón.
In a brief interview conducted yesterday at the end of the session of the upper chamber of the TEPJF, he indicated that although there has been no invitation for the magistrates to participate in the forums on the aforementioned reform, its discussion is relevant given the coincidences regarding the need for it.
The diagnosis exists, the problems are raised and there are initiatives presented in the Chamber of Deputies.
as well as various proposals in open parliaments and other forums organized by institutions and universities, he mentioned.
Regarding the appointment processes for the ministers of the Court, the magistrates of the TEPJF and members of the Judicial Council, Rodríguez Mondragón stated that they must be reviewed.
Currently, he pointed out, they are politicians, although they have their technical or professional side. He gave the example of the ministers of the SCJN, who are appointed at the proposal of the federal Executive.
He explained that there are various alternatives in the world on how to make these appointments. In the case of election by popular and direct vote, he asserted that the administration needs a process in which it is necessary to define its stages, conditions and form.
Rodríguez Mondragón pointed out that these specific details do not necessarily have to be established in the constitutional reform, but in its principles.