The Minister of Labor and Employment Promotion Betssy Chavez Chino described as coup leaders the congressmen who have presented the motion for vacancy against the President of the Republic Pedro Castillo Terrones.
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“At last the masks of the coup plotters fall off. Who in all this time have made laws alien to the development of Peru. On the contrary, they have been dedicating themselves to shielding laws and maintaining a status quo ”, The head of Labor expressed to the Post Office.
Vacancy motion
It considers that these actions have led to the decline of the legitimacy of parliament. “As a congressman, I presented a project for the reform of Article 90 of the Constitution (movable halves of Congress)”, Chavez said. The proposal of the congresswoman from Peru Libre elected by Tacna is for the election of legislators every two years.
The legislator for Avanza País Patricia Chirinos presented the vacancy motion against the president and obtained the support of colleagues from his bench, Fuerza Popular and Renovación Popular.
They call for mobilization
Minister Chavez Chino is in Tacna watching the implementation of the Trabaja Perú program in the districts where temporary work is provided to the poor population affected by the pandemic. It also inaugurates the works that have been executed under this modality.
While on social networks a mobilization was called for today in the city by people who support the presidential vacancy by pointing out that there is a moral incapacity of Pedro Castillo to govern. The arguments include the use of public funds from the Junín regional government for its electoral campaign, the appointment of senior officials linked to terrorism or accused of apology for terrorism.