The Minister of Education, Marco Antonio Ávila, addressed the educational situation generated as a result of the forest fires that affect the south-central zone of the country and assured that the Executive’s commitment is to recover the 21 rural establishments that were affected by the event.
in conversation with CooperativeÁvila explained that “all the solutions have been discussed with each of the local authorities, in this case mayors and mayors. There are no damaged establishments in local public education services, which is the new way of administration that we now have from the State for public schools.
“The solutions are all different, at the emergency level for now March is fundamentally relocation, to other establishments or to available public infrastructure or to some more social organizations. We have had churches, union headquarters that have been provided to us to start the service educational program of the month of March”, he added.
Along the same lines and complementing the above, the Minister of Education emphasized that “the final project, which has been part of our commitment as a Government, is that all these schools have to be recovered.”
“In Chile there was a kind of movement to close rural schools for a long time, rural schools were closed due to low enrollment and we have made a commitment, because we believe that rural education is essential in our country, even if there are four students we have to have adequate infrastructure available for a good educational service,” he said.