The General Directorate of Public Procurement (DGCP) reported through a press release that has declared the nullity of the bidding process OCI-CCC-LPN-2024-0003, organized by the International Cooperation Office (OCI) of the Ministry of Education (MINERD)after identifying serious irregularities in the contracting procedure.
The tender, intended for “Workshops equipment with related services in educational centers nationwide – second stage”, was initially valued in RD $ 945 million, amount that was subsequently modified at RD $ 966,748,624.00. The winning companies of the contract were over low heat, commercial suppliers & Technomas-LM, SRL, Arcaserv and Riften Investment, SRL
According to resolution RIC-0011-2025, the decision of the DGCP responds to the violation of Article 20 of Law 340-06 on public hiringas well as at the beginning of efficiency, economy and flexibility. According to the report of the governing agency, the specifications and its amendment lacked the necessary information for the evaluation of offers.
Other irregularities detected include the authorization of technical proposals for awarding whose assets did not comply with the required specifications, the lack of advertising of acts of the process and the omission of due administrative process by not exhausting the phase of instruction of challenges according to article 67 of the Law mentioned. An incorrect evaluation of credentials of the bidders is also indicated.
The non -observance detected include:
Violation of article 20 of Law 340-06 on public hiring.
Failure to comply with the principles of efficiency, economy and flexibility.
Lack of information in the specifications and its amendment for the evaluation of offers.
Enabling technical proposals of adjudicators whose assets did not comply with the required specifications.
Lack of advertising of acts of the process.
Omission of due administrative process by not exhausting the phase of instruction of challenges in accordance with article 67 of the Law.
Incorrect evaluation of credentials of the bidders.
Given these findings, the DGCP ordered the OCI Identify the officials involved in the process and determine the corresponding actions in accordance with Law 41-08 of Public Function. He also ordered the remission of the case to the Office , so that they proceed with the corresponding investigations.
In compliance with the resolution, the contracts derived from this process have been without effect, so the OCI must convene a new contracting procedure for the acquisition of the required goods and services.