As part of the commemoration of Rural Education Week, from October 10 to 14, national and international experts will meet to address the situation of rural education at the II Congress of Rural Education: Challenges for the transformation of rural education , inclusive and intercultural.
The congress, organized by the Ministry of Education (Minedu)aims to reflect on the progress made in the implementation of the Educational Attention Policy for the Rural Population (PAEPAR), present pedagogical and management experiences and establish commitments to face new challenges in rural education.
This event will take place on October 11, 12 and 13 starting at 4:00 p.m. and will be broadcast live through Minedu’s Facebook platformPeru Educa and Intercultural Education Peru.
Likewise, there will be recognized speakers from the educational field, who will share their educational experiences linked to the three thematic axes: Rural educational policy: advances and challenges, Educational innovation and successful experiences in rural schools and Challenges of the transformation of rural education.
Visits to rural educational institutions
Also, officials of the minedu They will visit some rural educational institutions in Cusco and San Martín to participate in the activities organized for the rural educational week.
Through Vice-ministerial Resolution No. 012-2022-MINEDU, it was established that public and private institutions of basic education incorporate the Week of Rural Education in their Civic School Calendarto be held the second week of October each year, in order to sensitize the educational community and publicize the importance of education in rural areas.
The education sector has been working on the implementation of the Educational Attention Policy for the Population of Rural Areasintended to provide a quality service to nearly 2 million children, adolescents, youth, adults and older adults from indigenous populations with their native language and monolingual Spanish-speaking populations.