The Minister of Social Development, Martín Lema, announced this Monday 25, at the headquarters of the state portfolio, different measures to encourage compliance with the Law for the Comprehensive Protection of Persons with Disabilities. He highlighted the Labor Operator Course in Public Institutions, the modification of the regulations for the entry of this population to state jobs and the in-depth monitoring of the development of the contests.
The event was witnessed by the undersecretary, Andrea Brugman; the National Secretary for Care and Disability, Nicolás Scarela; the director of the National Civil Service Office (ONSC), Conrado Ramos, and the director of the Occupational Therapy career at the University of the Republic (Udelar), Janine Hareau, authorities and representatives of the three organizations.
On the occasion, Lema announced measures to promote compliance with Law 18,651, which establishes a quota of 4% in job vacancies in the State for people with disabilities.
He reported that, through an agreement between Udelar and ONSC, the Labor Operator Course began in institutions that expressed interest, such as the Presidency of the Republic, ministries and public companies.
He added that, through training, tools will be provided to achieve greater articulation in terms of compliance with the aforementioned law and also for the subsequent performance of the beneficiaries. The operators will design support strategies for labor inclusion and adaptation to jobs.
The Faculty of Psychology, the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Medicine, all from the University of the Republic, participate in this interdisciplinary training proposal.
In addition, among the planned actions, Lema announced the modification in the regulations, proposed by the ONSC, to take the entry into the State in a broad sense and that it not be carried out only through budgeted functions. He added that this will enable greater opportunities.
He underlined the intention to focus on the causes of non-compliance with respect to the quotas, through the monitoring of the competitions. He explained that this measure seeks to address suggestions and warn the institution of possible faults related to this quota, in order to provide the necessary guarantees.
Meanwhile, Ramos reported that people with disabilities represent 0.4% of all workers, so an exhaustive control must be carried out for full compliance with what the regulations indicate.
He assured that respecting the percentages established for the calls is something that must be done, from an ethical point of view, as well as that those who enter the labor field manage to develop. He also considered that work should be done on infrastructure, socialization, and on having integrators.
Referring to the measures, he reported that the possibility of the ONSC accessing the power to intervene in the contests was raised, in the event that the quotas are not met during the year.