Mexico is a world leader in cultivation and export of this fruit, according to Sader, as it contributes one out of every three avocados that enter the international market, with a planted area of 241,000 hectares and a production of almost 2.4 million tons in 2020.
But about four fifths of national production and almost all exports come only from Michoacán, a southwestern state with a production volume of more than 1.8 million tons per year.
For this reason, the Mexican Secretary of Agriculture “announced that progress is being made in negotiations with the United States Government to open avocado exports from Jalisco to the market of that country.”
“It is very likely that soon we will deliver the good news of the export of avocado from Jalisco, which will have an important impact for the state,” said Villalobos.
The importance of this fruit for Mexico lies in being the main agricultural export product.
Only from January to September 2021, exports reached 2,187 million dollars, an increase of 5.55% compared to the same period in 2020, the secretariat observed.
In all of 2020, Mexican avocado exports totaled 2,936 million dollars, an annual growth of 0.15% despite the pandemic, according to the Bank of Mexico (Banxico).