▲ The chancellor (dark glasses) and the head of Defense (center) led the reception ceremony for the Cehui delegation that went to Los Angeles.Photo taken from the SRE X site
Silvia Chávez González
La Jornada Newspaper
Sunday, January 26, 2025, p. 6
Tecámac, Méx., The head of the Ministry of National Defense (Defense), Ricardo Trevilla Trejo, welcomed the Cehui delegation that traveled on January 11 to Los Angeles, California, to collaborate in putting out fires; He stressed that the bilateral relationship between the United States and Mexico has been permanent and that Friendly nations will always count on the humanism and fraternity of the people of Mexico
In the facilities of the Military Area Base Number 1 of Santa Lucía, yesterday morning Trevilla Trejo, accompanied by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Juan Ramón de la Fuente, and Mark Coolidge Johnson, charge d’affaires of the United States embassy in Mexico , presided over the ceremony.
The head of Defense stated: “Mexicans have also received humanitarian support from the American people. This is what it was like after the cyclones passed Janet and Hildain the port of Tampico, and in the 2017 earthquakes that affected Mexico City and other states of our Republic.”
He added that the relationship between both nations is not alien to the Mexican armed forces, since in recent years it has been strengthened through the exchange of experiences in training, education, logistical aspects and information, with the purpose of guaranteeing North American regional security.
For all of the above, I want to express to those who made up the Cehui delegation (74 brigade members) that we are very proud that they have represented us in this mission, contributing their experience, capacity and skills in this sum of efforts; know that they carried our flag with honor and once again demonstrated to the world that in the event of any emergency that affects friendly nations, the humanism and brotherhood of the Mexican people will always be counted on.
he highlighted.