This Tuesday, the 5th, authorities from Mevir and the Municipality of Lavalleja inaugurated 15 scattered housing solutions in Solís de Mataojo. The two, three and four bedroom homes were built on the private land of the participants in the urban plan. The interventions of the program included new houses, refurbishments, extensions and accessibility works for one of these houses.
The inauguration, which took place in the home of one of the program participants, at the intersection of route 8 and Andrés Delfino, was witnessed by the president of Mevir, Juan Pablo Delgado, and the mayor of Lavalleja, Mario García, among others. municipal authorities.
In his speech, Delgado stressed that the dispersed housing modality allows meeting the needs and demands of the participants who live in rural areas or in small towns, and that the objective is to settle the inhabitants in their place of origin so that they can work and produce there. In addition, he reported that, in the current administration, 50% of the interventions are under this modality and the other 50% corresponds to traditional nucleated housing programs.
He explained that each family contributed the land and hours of work for the construction or renovation, either through mutual help or self-construction, in which case they were assisted by workers and a technical team from the program. Once they access housing, they begin to pay a fee subsidized by the State that allows them to finance new interventions, he indicated.
The hierarch maintained that Mevir represents a public policy that transcends successive governments, but also pointed out that it is a “country policy”, because it belongs to all Uruguayans, and they are the ones who administer it, take care of it and carry out its social control.
For his part, García highlighted the importance of Mevir to achieve “the dream of home ownership” of many Uruguayan families, as well as the commitment and work assumed by the program’s participants. “One travels through the department and clearly identifies where Mevir intervened, the program has more and more strength and more presence in the territories”, he concluded. Presidency