"Messi, you won the World Cup but you lack the Betplay": 'Colombian' version of 'Muchachos', viral song in Qatar

“Messi, you won the World Cup but you lack the Betplay”: ‘Colombian’ version of ‘Muchachos’, viral song in Qatar

Colombian News.

The song of the Argentine National Team “Boys, now we are excited again”, performed by La Mosca Tsé – Tsé became the most viral of all in the world. A letter that recounts the finals that the ‘albiceleste’ lost and the illusion that their fans had for winning the third World Cup, led by Leonel Messi. However, the curious thing is that now it has a new version and lyrics.

It is the “creation made” by a Colombian internet user and fan.

Who, through Tik Tok, practically “rewrote” the lyrics of the song and made a parody with touches of sarcasm and comparison with Colombian soccer players.

For the most part, quite controversial characters from local football.

In the interpretation, Marco Pérez, Wilder Medina, Teófilo Gutiérrez, Dayro Moreno, Pablo Armero, Johan Arango, Faustino Asprilla and even the technical director Hernán Darío ‘Bolillo’ Gómez are mentioned.

“In Colombia I was born. Land of Marco Pérez, also of Wilder Medina and that of Teo Gutiérrez”, says the song.

what the song says

The video, the interpretation and the parody have gained quite a lot of strength on Twitter, many have emanated laughter and even comments towards the young man’s pet, a puppy that jumps, jumps and plays while recording the video.

“In Colombia I was born. Land of Marco Pérez, also of Wilder Medina and that of Teo Gutiérrez.

I’m not going to explain it to you because you won’t understand. Messi won the World Cup, but you lack Betplay.

The lie is over. What good is that Cup if you don’t have Dayro (Moreno) or Johan (Arango) to celebrate?

boys, with Tino I get drunk. With Pablo Armero and Bolillo, we form a lack of control ”.

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