Under the slogan ‘The debt is with Melody, Josefina and Todes’, alluding to victims of acts of violence, hundreds of young people demonstrated this Friday afternoon through the streets of downtown Mendoza in commemoration of the 12th Pride March. .
Amused but also reflective, the demonstrators marched through the streets of the center and a musical festival was held as a closing, reported from the organizing commission.
For this year, one of the convening slogans was ‘Enough of social transvesticide’alluding to Melody Barrera (27) for which crime policeman Darío Jesús Chaves Rubio was sentenced to life imprisonment for transvesticide.
(Photos Ramiro Gomez)
Melody was riddled with six bullets in the middle of a discussion that occurred at dawn on August 29, 2020, in the town of Guaymallén.
Also, it was reminded Josefina Cruceño (28), young trans, which was found on April 12 inside Cacique Guaymallén, after a neighbor called 911.
The concentration began at 5:00 p.m. on Pedro Molina and San Martín streets, to demand rights as lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans, transvestites, intersex, queers, non-binary, asexual and other identities (LGBTTIQNBA+).