Of the economically active population in rural areas in the Dominican Republic, 65.5 percent are mens and 34.5 percent are womenwhile in urban areas 55.1 percent are mens and 44.9 percent are women.
The data is contained in the National Household Survey for Multiple Purposes (AtHome-2021) published by the National Statistical Office (ONE)where, in addition, it is indicated that the level of instruction reached is headed by the womenfor example: the survey showed that 57.7 percent of the women have attained postgraduate, master’s or doctoral degrees, compared to 42.3 percent of those mens.
Also, 56.5 percent of the women They are university graduates or have a higher level. In contrast, 43.5 percent of the mens reached that category. Where the mens obtained a higher level of study is to reach high school or middle school with a participation of 58.5 percent, compared to 41.5 percent of the women.
Also, at the primary or basic level, mens are in the lead with 67.0 percent, compared to 33.0 percent of the women who only reached elementary school. Furthermore, 71.1 of the mens they do not have any level of preparation or have reached preschool. The women At this level, only 28.9 percent assured that they have not reached any instruction level.
the survey InHome 2021 It was carried out between October and December of the year 2021, which was financed jointly with economic resources from the ONE and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).
Education level
The official document showed that the educational level reached is increasing, the women Their participation in the economically active population is increasing, going from 28.9 percent at the none or preschool level to 57.7 percent at postgraduate, master’s or doctorate levels.
The effective sample of the EnHogar-2021 was 28,095 dwellings out of 32,154 randomly selected dwellings for a response rate of 87.4 percent, higher than the expected rate (85.0%). According to the ONE, 163 people worked in this operation, including 84 people as interviewers, 28 field supervisors, 28 sample updaters, five national supervisors, five supervisors. of quality and six supervisors of updaters.
The document AtHome-2021 indicates that of the population aged 10 years and over who did not work for pay the week prior to the interview, 64 percent are women and 36 percent are mens.
He explains that within the main reasons why the population aged 10 years and over did not work for pay the week prior to the survey, it is observed that 35.6 percent did not do so because they were studying and 25.0 percent because is engaged in household chores.
Also, 5.7 percent of the population aged 10 years and over who did not work for pay in the week prior to the interview, said that they did not do so because they were dismissed from their jobs. While only 0.6 percent of the population said they had not done so due to the pandemic of the COVID-19.
occupational category
In the segment “Percentage composition of the employed population aged 10 and over, by sex, according to occupational category”, it can be seen that 93.2 percent of the women performs domestic work, while 6.8 percent of the mens They do these kinds of activities.
Of those interviewed, 76.6 percent of the mens are employers, compared to 23.4 of the women. Also, 65.6 percent of the mens They are not professionals and are self-employed. Of those who are working in private companies, 61.0 percent are mens and 39.0 percent are women.
The official document indicates that, of those who are professionals, 54.1 percent of the mens are self-employed and 45.9 percent of the women.