The proceedings accusatory that presented the Public ministry against the former Attorney General of the Republic, Jean Alain Rodriguez, contains an interrogation carried out by the Specialized Prosecution Office Against Administrative Corruption (PEPCA)to the current prosecutor of the National District, Rosalba Ramos, about the purchase of a property that would presumably be used for parking but that did not have the qualities for that purpose.
According to the Public Ministry, Jean Alain Rodríguez, asked the prosecutor to ask him to buy a property that would serve as a parking lot for employees and in a communication dated March 19, 2019, “The Prosecutor’s Office indicates that it has a property located for these purposes between Las Carreras and Bernardo Pichardo streets, in the Gazcue sector, National District».
“The aforementioned request lacks the official protocol number of the General Secretariat of the National District Prosecutor’s Office, so it is not possible to request a certification in the books that allows establishing that this was the date of preparation and submission of the document, This comes out of all the protocols used in the Prosecutor’s Offices and, thereby verifying an irregularity in said communication”, indicates the accusation.
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The Public Ministry indicates that the Attorney General’s Office acquired the property for the sum of RD$19,000,000.00, representing an increase in cost of RD$12,000,000.00.
“Which is equivalent to a capital gain of 271%, an impossible situation based on the fact that, in the short time between the first and the last sale, nothing particular arose that would generate said irregular increase, since in the real estate sector it is estimated that the properties increase approximately, at most, 15% annually, in the urban sector”, he says.
In order to achieve the diversion of funds, according to the Public Ministry, on March 17, 2020, in the framework of the ninth session of the Superior Council of the Public Ministry, chaired by Jean Alain Rodríguez Sánchez, the Third Resolution was issued, in which defendant Jonnathan Joel Rodríguez Imbert was authorized to represent the Attorney General’s Office in the purchase of the property in question, “wanting to justify the disbursement of funds with the Third Resolution issued at the fourteenth session of the Superior Council of the Public Ministry, held on three (3 ) of August of the year two thousand and twenty (2020), an unbelievable situation based on the fact that the disputed purchase is from April 20 of the year two thousand and twenty (2020) and the resolution is from the month of August of the year two thousand and twenty (2020) ”.