During the first four weeks of the first quarter of classes, from March 7 to April 1, 2022, teachers must use the educational guides for the year 2021, with the aim of guiding with diagnostic tests, for reinforcement and academic leveling of the learning of students of all levels, revealed the Ministry of Education (Meduca).
Meduca also launched the new educational guides 2022, for subjects such as natural sciences, social sciences, Spanish, panama from first to ninth grades, preschool, Let’s all learn to read, guidelines of the National Reading Plan.
They highlighted that during the fifth week of classes they will also launch the Ari Taen Jadenkä project, which is aimed at preschool children, teaching mathematics in Spanish and the Ngäbe language.
These didactic guides, with new and innovative educational practices, are aimed at students and the methodological ones at educators, with the aim of strengthening 21st century skills and digital skills.