The MDB (Brazilian Democratic Movement) party indicated today (9) the members who will be part of the team of the transitional government of President-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Senators Renan Calheiros and Jader Barbalho will be part of the political council of the team.
Yesterday (8), the president of the PT (Workers’ Party), Gleisi Hoffmann, formalized the invitation for the MDB to compose the council. In the afternoon, the vice-president-elect and general coordinator of the transition, Geraldo Alckmin, announced the PT, PSD, PSB, Agir, PROS, Avante, Solidariedade, PV, PSOL, PCdoB and PDT as members of the group. The MDB was not yet among them.
In addition to the political council, the party will have representatives in the thematic groups. as advertised yesterday per Alckmin, Senator Simone Tebet will coordinate the area of social assistance. The executive secretary of the National MDB, Reinaldo Takarabe, will also be part of this group. Also part of the coordination are former ministers of Social Development and Fight against Hunger, Márcia Lopes and Tereza Campello, and Minas Gerais state deputy André Quintão (PT-MG).
Also for the MDB, the former governor of Rio Grande do Sul, Germano Rigotto, will be part of the industry, commerce and services group. The coordinators of this thematic area have not yet been made official.
Also yesterday, Alckmin announced the coordinators of the economic area: economists André Lara Resende, president of the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) in the Fernando Henrique Cardoso administration and one of the formulators of the Real Plan; Pérsio Arida, former president of BNDES and the Central Bank; the professor at the University of Campinas (Unicamp), Guilherme Mello; and Nelson Barbosa, Minister of Finance in the second Dilma Rousseff administration.
In a statement, vice president-elect Geraldo Alckmin recalled that the definition of the names that will coordinate the transition does not mean the occupation of positions or ministries in the next government. He also confirmed that Guido Mantega, Minister of Finance from 2006 to 2014, will participate in the transition, but in another technical group.
In this fourthOn arrival at the Banco do Brasil Cultural Center (CCBB), in Brasília, where the transition office is located, the coordinator of the technical groups, Aloizio Mercadante, said that the majority of the members of the transitional government must be announced by the end of end of the week. In total, there are 31 thematic groups.
According to him, the team has already asked the government of President Jair Bolsonaro for the information necessary for the transition. “The role of the transition work groups is to make a detailed diagnosis of each one of the ministries, find out about the budget situation, administrative structure and needs, in addition to discussing the program priorities for the start of the next government. I imagine that enter today and tomorrow we will announce practically all the groups”, he explained.
Mercadante also said that the team has already asked the government of President Jair Bolsonaro for the information necessary for the transition, through official letters to the Civil House, which represents the current government in the transition.
“We requested all the audits that the Federal Court of Auditors has. They have the operational audits of each of the ministries and the systematized information is already there, they already have an agenda of the most sensitive topics, the most relevant problems”, he said.
“All our requests are forwarded to the Civil House. The Federal Court of Auditors inspects and monitors the return and this is being fulfilled”, he added.