McFields: Attacks by the dictatorship against the Church hurt the people of Nicaragua

McFields: Attacks by the dictatorship against the Church hurt the people of Nicaragua

The former ambassador of the Ortega regime to the Organization of American States (OAS), Arturo McFields, assured the Spanish Catholic press that the offenses that Rosario Murillo launches against bishops and priests are causing pain in the Nicaraguan population.

“As I told you before, there are certain things that are not discussed in the Government. At other times, no one listens to you when you want to talk. What I do know is that actions of this type are hurting people’s faith. My country is a country of faith and, faced with things like these, people suffer. All of this is penetrating very deeply into the population,” McFields said when referring to the de facto expulsion imposed by the Managua government on the apostolic nuncio Waldemar Stanislaw Sommertag in an interview with the weekly magazine Alpha and Omega of the Archbishopric of Madrid.

For the former diplomat, his religious faith helped him dissociate himself from the Managua regime and open himself to the possibility of openly denouncing the authoritarianism of the Ortega-Murillo presidential family.

“I think the time had come to position myself in line with my Christian values ​​and principles. I felt a great internal spiritual struggle, but the increase in the level of cruelty towards people who are imprisoned was the straw that broke the camel’s back. And I made this decision, even though I knew that it would mean giving my family an uncertain future and also losing the possibility of returning to my country,” McFields explained to the Spanish journalist José Calderero de Aldecoa.

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For today’s former ambassador, a “revolution of hope” is brewing in Nicaragua and once again called for an end to the mistreatment and torture that prisoners of conscience are suffering in the jails of the Ortega regime.

“A revolution of hope has begun. There is a lot of desire for change, especially when it comes to the situation of prisoners. A central issue is an end to mistreatment and torture, and their release,” he said.

Monsignor Báez, “a prophet”

In his interview, Arturo McFields vindicated the figure of the bishops and priests of the Catholic Church, who have accompanied the population during these four years of sociopolitical crisis, which began in April 2018.

“Thanks to (religious) leaders like Silvio Báez, Cardinal Brenes or people from the Protestant church who have given words of encouragement. But, above all, Silvio Báez, who has spoken like a prophet against power and dictatorship. Not with hate, but with hope and faith. A change is being generated, but not from hatred, but from hope and faith. And there we are, believing that God can defeat the mighty giants that rise up in this world. I think these attacks (on the Catholic Church) strengthened the faith of the people. It is something extraordinary”, concluded the former diplomat.

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