July 18, 2022, 10:34 PM
July 18, 2022, 10:34 PM
The recall of Luis Fernando Camachoas governor of Santa Cruz, will be promoted by the Urban Regional Directorate of the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) if this Monday, July 25, the announced civic strike is carried out, as a protest measure for the change of date for the census. This is a resolution that Darwin Choquerive, leader of the MAS, read before Kawsachun Coca this Monday, at the end of a meeting.
In the same line, they reject the civic strike as an attack on the economy of the people of Santa Cruz and are in favor of the free movement and work of the inhabitants of the department.
On the other hand, they announced that they will call for dialogue with the different sectors involved in carrying out the census.
EL DUTY consulted the Communication unit of the Santa Cruz Governor’s Office about it and they agreed to consult, but there was no other answer than that.
For their part, the interculturalists also had their own meeting, in which they coincide in their rejection of the civic strike and the need for the aforementioned economic reactivation. For this reason, they called for a “peaceful march and council” for this Tuesday, July 26, in support of the national government.
Juan Cáceres, leader of this sector, told Bolivia TV that they believe that the census should continue; however he pointed out: “I blame the governor from Santa Cruz (Camacho) because he excused himself from attending the meeting; in every meeting, the governor should defend the interests of Santa Cruz and not now, convening through the Civic Committee”.