People with disabilities, family members, technicians and leaders of groups that bring them together participated in a discussion with the presidential candidate of the Popular Party (PP), Martín Torrijos Espino, who promised to return to work hand in hand with them to overcome great obstacles that face diary.
“We have to unite. There is no doubt that we have a commitment, that we have the people who know, who feel that it is a technical issue, but that it is also a matter of will, because within this permanent adversity that people with disabilities and us parents live and there is light for their relatives”, stressed Torrijos Espino, after listening to them attentively.
During the conversation, people with special abilities and family members exposed a series of problems they suffer, such as insertion into the labor market, despite being professionals; like the lack of an inclusive education that is accompanied by the Panamanian Institute of Special Qualification (IPHE); and adequate medical care at the facilities of the Social Security Fund and the Ministry of Health.
Torrijos Espino stressed that these people with special abilities have rights, as Panamanians and as human beings, for which they must be given answers. “I have no doubt about that, God first will be years that we can take advantage of time and recover hope and see the needs with data, with public policies and, above all, with the will of a government, working for people with disabilities,” he said. the former President of the Republic.
For the presidential candidate, now with technology it will be easier and more specific, in such a way that it allows for public policies for people who have different types of disabilities.
“In my government, a whole process for people with disabilities began, but in many cases it was not followed up, equipment was lost, and the opportunity to have a public policy that really agreed with the needs of citizens with special conditions. ”, said the former president of the nation.
Regarding the IPHE, Torrijos Espino recalled that with this entity that dates back to 1951, there is an old debt because, given the changes that have been registered, it is essential that it be modernized with new technology and the adequate accompaniment, people with disabilities can use for themselves and take advantage of the opportunities and rights they have.