Keiko Fujimori announced this Tuesday, June 21, her separation from her husband Mark Vito, after 18 years of marriage. Minutes later, the real estate agent also published a heartfelt message confirming the decision and praising the leader of People’s Force for the time together.
“In consideration for the backing and support that Keiko and I have been given for so many years, I am writing this short and last message publicly announcing that by mutual agreement, Keiko and I have decided to begin a process of separation.”, he pointed out on his social network.
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“We will handle the process privately for the well-being of our daughters (who are the most important to us) and with the aim of always maintaining our friendship. I do not want to end this message without first saying that for me, Keiko represents the perseverance and bravery (in addition to all the many attributes that characterize her) that deserves my admiration. She is valuable and a magnificent person in every way”, he added.
Keiko announced separation with Mark Vito after 18 years of relationship
As reported, the daughter of the former president Alberto Fujimori He announced this morning that he will start a separation process with Mark Vito, who has also been included in the investigations for alleged money laundering and other crimes against the orange leader.
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“After extensive reflection, We inform you that Mark and I have decided to end our marriage. We are doing it on the best terms and reaffirming our commitment to continue educating and supporting our daughters with much love.”, Keiko said in her tweet.
“For them we are going to keep strict confidentiality on this subject and we will not make any additional comments. Today I reiterate my thanks to Mark for having fought by my side in the midst of the most difficult circumstances and having suffered terrible persecution just for being my husband,” she concluded.
Keiko Fujimori and Mark Vito: the investigations that are followed in the Prosecutor’s Office
The former couple announced the end of their marriage; however, there are still things that will keep them linked, such as the investigations that both maintain in the Prosecutor’s Office.
The most recent of them dates from July 2021, when the Lava Jato Special Team opened a new line of investigation against the then-husband of Keiko Fujimori for alleged money laundering. One of the acts that the prosecutor has identified is his participation in brokering the purchase-sale of real estate for Vito’s company from August 2018 to 2021.
This new investigation derived from the criminal process that both Villanella and his wife face for the alleged irregular financing of the Fujimori party Popular Force in previous electoral campaigns. According to its tax thesis, the company MVV Bienes Raíces would have been instrumentalized by the alleged criminal network that Fujimori would lead for the continuation of money laundering through commercial operations.
Another of the investigations is for the Cocktails case, with which Mark Vito faces a tax request of 22 years and 8 months in prison for the Cocktails case. In addition, Keiko Fujimori and several of his closest collaborators are included, as well as the Popular Force party for alleged irregular financing of the 2011 and 2016 electoral campaigns.