The head of the Federal Administration of Public Revenues (AFIP), Mercedes Marcó del Pont, affirmed this Wednesday that the measure of the Central Bank (BCRA) to encourage soy producers to sell their harvest, “is not a special dollar, nor a split and does not mean a drop in withholdings”.
In this way, the official referred to the measure announced on Tuesday by the BCRA on the new instrument to encourage producers to sell their soybean harvest before next August 31.
In this regard, Marcó del Pont specified, in dialogue with Radio Nacional, that “what the newspapers say about the special dollar for the grain sector is not a special dollar. The BCRA offers this sector to enable a part of what is sold to be transformed into banknote dollars.”
“At the BCRA we have the capacity to continue managing the shortage of dollars”he added.
“From the State we are trying to achieve greater compliance, especially in the sectors with the highest collection”Mercedes Marco del Pont
Regarding the objectives of the measure, the official explained that “it seeks to create a bridge in a situation where we warn that the production sector has less incentive to sell because of the run run and because of the planting stage, which begins in September and October, where said months the payment for energy will go down”, and remarked that it is “a tool that is consistent with the demands of the small producer”.
In turn, he warned that “behind all speculative drives that occur in the alternative dollar market they have no relationship with the real economy or with reserves, or with the forward evolution of Argentina’s external sector.”
To close, Marcó del Pont stressed that “from the State we are trying to achieve greater compliance, especially in the sectors with the highest collection”, and affirmed that “the real economy is fine, we are sowing the future, there is investment in sectors that are going to generate dollars.