Marilyn Patino, renowned Colombian television actress, recognized for her participation in productions such as ‘Fair Play’, ‘Oye Bonita’, among others.
The also announcer has taken advantage of her social networks to share funny content and photos in which she shows that at 40 years old she stays in shape and has a very good body.
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The actress has not hidden her cosmetic surgeryrecently confessed the drama he experienced after having a Breast augmentationso much so that she was unable to breastfeed her children for years.
“A surgeon smashed my boobs and I say destroyed because it seemed that they had set me on fire with hot water and I was barely 23 or 25 years old“Patiño told El Tiempo.
He added that over time for years lived a “torture”However, she managed to accept the consequences of the intervention and forgave herself for having “messed with that surgeon”, because it was due to a bad intervention that had so many complications.
“I cannot say ‘I will not drink this water’, but what I can decide It is in whose hands or where I put myself, and when I do I have to be very sure. I got scared of him, the truth“, said.
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Marilyn Patino she sought for months the help of a professional to help her rebuild her breasts.
“A surgeon smashed my boobs and I say destroyed because it seemed that they had set me on fire with hot water,” he assured.
After asking a lot of God managed to do the reconstruction of her breasts; After managing to return to normality in that part of the body, the actress has undergone other interventions, however, she confessed that surgeries now scare her because she does not want to die and leave her children alone.
“I’m already super well thank God, but that was seven months or more of prayer looking for a surgeon, asking God on my knees to show me, and it was the first time I really saw success in surgery”, he said for El Tiempo.