The Rio de Janeiro Court has scheduled the trial of former military police officers Ronnie Lessa and Élcio Queiroz, accused of the death of councilwoman Marielle Franco and driver Anderson Gomes on March 14, 2018, for October 30, starting at 9 am.
The date was set by judge Gustavo Kalil, head of the 4th Jury Court, who will preside over the trial, during a special meeting this Thursday (12), at the Rio Central Forum, with representatives of the Public Ministry, the prosecution assistants and the defendants’ defenses.
The judge requested that only those who will actually participate in the jury be present in the courtroom, to avoid crowding and disturbances. The defense and prosecution will have 10 days to present their final oral evidence.
The prosecution and the defense decided not to take the testimony of delegate Giniton Lages and civil police officer Marco Antônio de Barros Pinto, who were among the witnesses.
The judge also accepted a request from Ronnie Lessa’s lawyer for the prison where he is being held to set aside October 29 for an interview, as a way of speeding up the start of the session. Lessa is in the Tremembé prison in São Paulo after entering into a plea bargain and identifying those who ordered the crime. Previously, he was in the Campo Grande Federal Penitentiary in Mato Grosso do Sul and requested, in his plea bargain agreement, to be transferred. The order for the defendant’s transfer was given by Justice Alexandre de Moraes of the Federal Supreme Court (STF).
A letter was sent to Minister Alexandre de Moraes, of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), requesting authorization to hold the trial on October 30.
Remember the case
Marielle Franco, councilor for PSOL, was murderedin the Estácio neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro, on the night of March 14, 2018. She was returning from a meeting of black women in Lapa, when her car was targeted, with several shots. Her driver, Anderson Gomes, was also hit.
An aide to the parliamentarian was injured by shrapnel. The crime gained international attention and was considered an attack on democracy.
The crime triggered a complex investigation involving several police departments. After many twists and turns, the former PMs Ronnie Lessa and Elcio Queiroz were arrested. In 2024, the brothers Chiquinho and Domingos Brazão were arrested, who were identified as the masterminds behind the murders, as well as the former Civil Police chief Rivaldo Barbosa. The case involving the alleged masterminds is currently being heard by the Supreme Federal Court.