The former Minister of the Interior, Mariano Gonzalezdescribed the ministers José Gavidia (Defense), Alejandro Salas (Culture) and Félix Chero (Justice) as “three crackpots” and asserted that the chief of staff, Aníbal Torres, is “totally incompetent.”
“I have already said what I think of Aníbal Torres, which is that he is totally incompetent and I say so. I’m sorry that the three ayayeros that you have have those expressions, who look more like the three crackpots: Gavidia, Salas and Chero. Since I arrived they bothered me. I had to be more careful with the Cabinet than with the opposition itself, but within the Cabinet there are ministers whom I recognize worth”he assured ATV.
Along these lines, he assured that his departure from office was due to the “fear” that President Pedro Castillo had that he would continue making decisions to fight for justice, such as the formation of an anti-corruption police team.
He also said that the intelligence teams are close to capturing at least one of the fugitives who are related to the government or to President Pedro Castillo, such as Juan Silva or Bruno Pacheco.
“[¿Alguno de los prófugos estaba cerca de caer?] Yes, maybe in a week, if the team is dismantled that is put at risk, there are ways to attack, removing people. You have to be aware of their integrity.”, he referred.
The Cabinet Criticism
Hours earlier, at a press conference, various members of the Cabinet expressed their support for President Pedro Castillo and Prime Minister Aníbal Torres, after both were questioned by Mariano González after he was removed from his position as head of the Ministry of the Interior.
At the press conference on Wednesday, July 20, in which all the ministers participated, some explicitly referred to González’s statements, who said that Pedro Castillo had links to corruption and should be removed from office by Congress.
“Not only did he insult the president and the premier yesterday, but he insulted the entire Cabinet. Of course, that lack of respect cannot be allowed by those of us who consider ourselves good men.” said Alejandro Salas, from the Culture sector.
Other members of the Cabinet who came out in support of the Prime Minister and the Executive were Félix Chero, of Justice and Human Rights. Chero described Mariano González’s statements as “disastrous manifestations” and demanded that the former minister show evidence of his accusations.
“Even in the way he has left and how he has wronged the Council of Ministers, the president and the premier, we continue to be respectful of the dignity of people and the only thing we demand is the same respect […] to those who have tried to generate an adverse situation with these messages that have no basis”, he commented.