The Ministry of Public Administration (MAP) and the General Directorate of Budget (Digepres) Yesterday they prohibited the entrance of new personnel to the institutions, for the rest of the year, and any wage readjustment that represents increases in the remuneration of the public administration.
A communication explains that the decision, contained in circular DGP-SAL-2022-00183, is part of the measures taken to rationalize public spending.
It points out that the provision excludes those public administration bodies that, by their nature, merit it, provided that they have the proper authorization, both from the MAP and the Digepres.
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“The MAP and the Digepres, in their respective capacities as Governing Bodies of the Public Function and of the Budget Systemplease inform you that as of this date, the procedures for personnel income or movement are restricted, as well as salary readjustments that imply increases in the remuneration line for the remainder of this year, and therefore that have an impact on the period 2023, except for those entities or bodies that, by their nature, merit it, and that have the proper authorization from both the MAP and the Digepres”, states the circular signed by the Minister of Public Administration, Dario Castillo Lugoand the CEO of BudgetJose Rijo Presbot.
The provision is established in compliance with the guidelines for the Formulation of the Institutional Preliminary Projects for the 2023 Budgetsent by Digepres Circular 011-22, of July 14, 2022, in accordance with the budgetary policies approved by the Council of Ministers, on July 8 of the current year.
The document is addressed to ministers, Comptroller General of the Republic, Legal Consultant of the Executive Power, National and General Directors, Administrators, and Sub-Administrators, Managers and Deputy Managers of the Central Government, Non-Financial Autonomous and Decentralized Organizations and Social Security Institutions.