Home South AmericaUruguay Manini Ríos compares the PN with the FA: Delgado is “more of the same and it is going back to those who generated the problems”

Manini Ríos compares the PN with the FA: Delgado is “more of the same and it is going back to those who generated the problems”

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Manini Ríos compares the PN with the FA: Delgado is “more of the same and it is going back to those who generated the problems”

manini rios internal campaign CA

Cabildo Abierto has established itself as the most restless partner within the government coalition in Uruguay. This party, led by Guido Manini Ríos, has been a constant source of challenges for the current administration, while distancing itself from the National Party and its main candidate, Álvaro Delgado.

In the midst of his own internal disputes, Manini Ríos tours the country in an intense campaign, focused both on the internal elections of June 30 and the national elections in October.

Manini Ríos has urged his followers to consider interns as an obligation, even if they are not officially so. His objective is to position Cabildo Abierto as a “third way” in Uruguayan politics, clearly differentiating itself from both the National Party and the Frente Amplio.

At various events, Manini has criticized Delgado, suggesting that his election would be a “re-election under another name” and highlighting that he represents “more of the same.”

Criticism of the Frente Amplio and the coalition

Manini Ríos has also criticized the Frente Amplio, pointing out that its return to power would be a return to the problems they generated during their 15 years of government.

Cabildo Abierto, according to its leader, offers an alternative that seeks to continue with certain changes initiated by the current administration, but with a more radical approach in areas such as drug policies, debt, support for national work and public security.

Positions and proposals of Cabildo Abierto

Senator Guillermo Domenech has been one of the most vocal critics within the party. He has stated that the National and Colorado parties have become a “Broad Front in suits and ties” and has insisted on the need to change course in several aspects to avoid following the same path started by the Broad Front.

Domenech has criticized the government for its focus on promoting investments by multinationals and investment funds, while neglecting the country’s small and medium-sized agricultural and industrial companies.

He also pointed out the lack of attention to the problem of interest and usury, and denounced the persistence of gender ideology in education, a policy initiated by the Frente Amplio.

Differences with the National Party

Álvaro Perrone, deputy of Cabildo Abierto and leader of the Uruguay en Orden group, has marked significant differences with the National Party, especially in security and economic policies.

Perrone has stressed the importance of allocating greater resources to public security, which he considers the country’s main problem. In addition, he has mentioned the differences with Diego Labat, president of the Central Bank of Uruguay, who could be the future Minister of Economy in a possible Delgado government.

Internal Conflicts and Leadership

The internal affairs of Cabildo Abierto are marked by tensions and conflicts. Recently, a letter signed by Manini Ríos circulated in which he requests support for the 820 list, led by his wife Irene Moreira, in Artigas. This request has generated reactions within the party, especially from the Espacio de los Pueblos Libres, led by Eduardo Radaelli, which defines itself as the rebel wing of the party.

Domenech, on his

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