In Colombia, 124 deaths due to malnutrition have already been registered this year. The Attorney General’s Office demanded action from the National Government to curb this public health problem.
Colombia News.
It has been a difficult task for the country to curb the mortality of children due to malnutrition, since the actions implemented to date are not sufficiently effective in some populations and the Attorney General’s Office itself has requested measures.
The attorney general’s office demands action, because according to the National Institute of Health, 235 cases would have been filed from 2021 to today.
In such a way that 124 of the cases were confirmed for this cause in this 2022.
“A single case of death due to malnutrition is serious and shows that the policies formulated to prevent this problem have been insufficient,” said Viviana Mora, Delegate Attorney for Children.
In addition, Mora indicated that “our children cannot continue to be vulnerable to totally preventable diseases.”
What’s the big picture?
Of the 124 confirmed cases so far this year, the figures in various areas of the country are as follows:
- Chocó with 21 cases, La Guajira with 13 and Bolívar with 12 cases, are the highest figures.
- Risaralda and Meta with five cases.
- Antioquia, Casanare and Magdalena with four cases.
- Followed by Barranquilla and Santa Marta with three cases, Bogotá with two and Cartagena with only one case.
Finally, 8 cases from foreign minors were recorded.
For this reason, the Attorney General’s Office has requested immediate action from entities such as Family Welfare.
“From the Attorney General’s Office, we make an insistent call to the competent authorities in the prevention of this problem,” said Viviana Mora, Delegate Attorney for Children.
The Attorney General’s Office demanded action from the national government to stop deaths from malnutrition in Colombia.
In 2021 alone, more than 100 minors died from this scourge. all the details in
– News Caracol (@NoticiasCaracol) October 3, 2022
The call is only at the national level, since it is also at the departmental level in order to include it in public policies.
Thus, seeking solutions that lead to these cases not continuing to occur, it is urgent to prioritize food and nutritional security in national and local planning.
Finally, this scenario occurs more frequently in indigenous communities in the country.
Such as, Tule, Wounaan, and Emberá in Chocó; Nasa Valle del Cauca, Sikuani and Amorúa in Vichada, Nukak and Sukuani in Guaviare and Wayúu de la Guajira.