There is deep discomfort in the Bolivian Armed Forces over the way in which promotions to generals were carried out. The core of the problem is the lack of institutionality shown in this procedure, which pits President Luis Arce against the military. The evidence has been the act of delivery of sabers. It was not held at the Military College, as was traditionally done; It was not in front of the officers, but in the Casa Grande del Pueblo, in a lackluster act, with some of the new generals and some members of the Executive Power.
The origin of this situation is at the moment in which the former general commander of the Armed Forces, Williams Kalimán, requested the resignation of Evo Morales, when the country was submerged in one of the worst political crises in national history, after knowing the expert opinion of the OAS that indicated that there was fraud in the 2019 elections. That fact is inexcusable for the former president, now become the national head of the MAS. After that, several soldiers are imprisoned and accused of the described ‘coup d’état’, which the masismo insists on positioning in its political narrative.
The promotion of generals should have occurred last year. Although it is the Armed Forces that prepare the lists, it is the Senate that must give them the green light, with two thirds of votes, as mandated by national law. However, the names proposed for it had observations from the beginning and the opposition opposed giving the go-ahead, as long as they are not corrected and the institutional framework is respected. The objections stemmed from the fact that the payrolls displaced promotions from the Armed Forces to which the promotion corresponded and incorporated other officers who had not yet come to deserve the corresponding saber (a convenient accommodation for party interests).
Passive service soldiers denounce that political factors related to the MAS and Evo Morales have been taken into account for promotion, instead of factors that have to do with the military career. They point out that, upon handing over the corresponding sabers, President Luis Arce demanded that the Armed Forces defend the Government. They also refer that the president does not meet once a week with the Military High Command, as a sign of that existing distance.
The approval of the promotions took place in an anomalous session of the Chamber of Senators: the agenda was not known in advance and, when the meeting was being convened, the elevators were even blocked to prevent the presence of the opposition. Finally, the lists were voted only among members of the MAS, with two thirds of those present, in an act that flouted the democratic principles with which the national Legislative Power must function.
The discontent is evident, so much so that the act of imposing grades had to be suspended on Thursday at the last minute in the Casa Grande del Pueblo. From the Executive they said that it was due to problems with President Luis Arce’s agenda, but the argument is not very credible given the importance of the event. The military of the passive service assure that it was to avoid protests in the military ranks. Finally, the delivery of sabers was made on Friday, with little attendance and many empty chairs.
From the Armed Forces they point out that these political actions, which ignore the institutional framework, can lead to disobedience in the entity and discourage younger soldiers who see that the political line is rewarded before the good trajectory in their career.
What has been seen is unfortunate and shows a lack of respect for such an important institution for Bolivia. The MAS, led by Evo Morales, plays with fire. President Luis Arce has the opportunity to return institutions to the country, which is the only way to guarantee democracy in Bolivia.